Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm Gonna Miss This...

On the way home from visiting a friend that lives over an hour away from me, I heard a song on the radio by Trace Atkins called, “You’re gonna miss this” and it made me think about how precious every moment is when we are with our DOG’s.  This same thing goes for friends, family, etc.  However, I wanted to write this to demonstrate how much we take our canine best friends for granted.  
We might think that we want something different...  We might think that we need to train a better trick... We might wish our dog was like another dog and compare him to other dogs... But should just enjoy him for who he is...  He is wonderful... He is brilliant... After all he is your dog! Be joyful where we are at right now with him, with his training, with your relationship...  
We think things are bad and we want to make changes...  But we should look at these “bad” things as wonderful learning experiences.  There are no bad days!  Life is what you make it.  It can only be “bad” if we let it be “bad”!  These are some good times...  So take a good look around... You may not know it now, but your are gonna miss this...
We take for granted time spent with family, friends, and yes our dogs...  Cherish LIFE, Live your life to the fullest... Never regret and never wish you would have done something different.  Accept your life, make the very best of your life... 
I see people out walking their dogs with head phones on, getting irritated that their dogs want to sniff or want to stop and look at a bird, a dog, a person and I know that they are missing an opportunity to enjoy the company of their dog.  Be in the moment...  Appreciate what you have...  DON’T be in a RUSH...  Enjoy the HERE and NOW... Because you are going to miss this... You are going to want this back.  You are going to wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.  
You are out with your dog that is reacting or afraid of things and you are frustrated and irritated, think about how this could be the very last day you are able to spend with your beloved family member; your dog and ENJOY the day, ENJOY the process of training your dog, and ENJOY the lessons you are learning from your dog.  These are some good times...  So take a good look around... You may not know it now, but your are gonna miss this...
You are at the park playing with your dog, savor it.  Remember it... Because you are going to miss it... You are going to want it back.  You are going to wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.  
You are out for a jog with your dog, take a moment and let him be a dog... Let him sniff that bush... Take a moment and TELL him HOW AMAZING he is!  Sit on a bench and look at the birds or watch the people walk by...  Because you are going to miss this... You are going to want this back.  You are going to wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.  
Take a moment and watch your dog sleep, watch him twitch as he dreams of chasing squirrels or frisbee’s.. Soak in the calm, the peace, the love you have for your dog.  These are some good times...  So take a good look around... You may not know it now, but your are gonna miss this...
When your dog barks at a dog, a person, your neighbors, the mail carrier, DON’T get mad, DON’T yell!  Realize that your dog is communicating...  Teach him what is acceptable in a nice humane way, work with him on the issue, manage the behavior if you can’t train it, let him bark if it is ok, and move on... Get over it... Do not let it get to you.  We talk, birds chirp, and DOG’S BARK.  Yep, one day you will even miss this, you may not know it now, but you will... 
The other day I was out on a walk with my dogs and a woman saw me give my dogs a treat.  ONE treat after about 20 or so steps of pure amazing, with me, prancing, beautiful loose leash walking and she said, “Oh, that is why they are walking so nicely”, “they are getting treats”.  I just smiled, said Thank you, and gave them all a few more treats.  That was a compliment in my eyes!  I am proud to give my dogs treats...  I am proud to walk them... I am proud because I know how much quality time and effort I spend with my dogs.  I wish more people could feel what I feel when I am with my dogs.  I wish more people spent time giving their dogs treats for walking nicely.  I wish more people enjoyed every second they have with their dogs.  I wish people REWARDED their dogs for all the great things their dogs ARE doing.  Because... These are some good times...  So take a good look around... You may not know it now, but your are gonna miss this...
Life is short and our dogs lives are shorter... This song made me think about how much I WILL MISS MY DOGS when they are gone.  When I spend time with my dogs, I am WITH my dogs... I am in the moment...  I am so happy to be able to be there with them, in that place, doing what we are doing! Because I am going to miss them... I am going to miss the amazing times we share... I am going to want these times back.  I am going to wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.  
So, if I seem HAPPY it is because I AM!  
If I seem like I am enjoying being with my dogs, it is because I AM!  
If I seem to LOVE my dogs, it is because I DO!  
If I seem to be rewarding them more than others think I should, it is because THEY DESERVE IT.
By Pamela Johnson

P.S. Tasha & Dolce, Twix & I will cherish the time we spent with you both today!  It was a great day!  I hope we can spend many more fun times together!  :)


  1. I have exactly the same philosophy, and I have learnt to ignore the comments from others when we are out and about, especially about treat giving.

  2. What a lovely post, Pam! Thank you so much for coming to visit. I am so proud of what Dolce was able to do around you and Twix, even if we didn't get as far as I might have hoped. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks on your turf. :)

  3. You've inspired me to make some more homemade treats for my girls--it's been way too long and they deserve it. And I need some loose-leash walking bribes. Oh how I love my sweet doggities!

  4. So happy to have inspired you! Please use those yummy treats as a reward and not a bribe. :) have a great day with your pups. We just played frisbee & then the went splashing in their kiddy pool. :). They are still splashing! Lol!

  5. So happy to have inspired you! Please use those yummy treats as a reward and not a bribe. :) have a great day with your pups. We just played frisbee & then the went splashing in their kiddy pool. :). They are still splashing! Lol!
